Unsolved crimes and files of note: August 10th to August 15th


2023-08-18 12:22 PDT

File # 2023

Nanaimo file #2023-27467 Break and enter to boat

Sometime within the past week but reported on August 10th, a break and enter occurred to a boat moored at 400 Newcastle Ave. The owner said that the hatch to the vessel had been forced opened and it appears the ignition key had been stolen. The suspect(s) left behind an empty purse, some beer cans and cigarettes. Tip: All boats, where possible, should be locked and periodically checked for squatters and signs of possible theft.

Nanaimo file # 2023-27759 Suspicious person

At approximately 6 AM on August 11th, a homeowner on Benson View was awakened to find a man in his backyard who was staring into his BBQ and appeared to be high. The police were called and by the time they arrived, the man was located a short distance away. The man told the officer that he had been walking the trails of Mt Benson all night and that he had gone into the yard in search of a light for his cigarettes. The officer determined the man was under the influence of an unknown drug but was relatively calm. The officer decided to transport him to downtown Nanaimo so that he could access resources more readily. Tip: Good call on behalf of the homeowner to call the police given the time of day and being uncertain about the man’s disposition.

Nanaimo file # 2023-27891 Theft of electric bike

Sometime between 9 PM on August 11th and 7 AM on August 12th ,an electric bike, helmet and lock were stolen from an apartment building located at 505 Albert St. At the time of the theft, the bike, a green/silver Giant Roam, with no serial number available, had been locked to a fence in the parkade. Of note, a password is required to start the bike so it is most likely inoperable. Tip: Always take the time to record serial numbers and take pictures of bikes to assist in their recovery if stolen. To register your bike, go to www.project529.com

Nanaimo file # 2023-28016 Check well-being

At approximately 10:30 AM on August 13th, police received a report of a person lying in some bushes on Dundas St and that the person had not moved in sometime. The caller told said that they were concerned that the individual may be in distress. Police attended to find an adult woman who responded to direct questions and did not require medical intervention. She told the officer that she  and her dog were simply resting. She then gathered up her limited belonging and both of them headed off to hang out at ta nearby Mall for the day. Tip: If you have concerns about approaching someone, please call the police. The call may end up saving a life.

Nanaimo file # 2023-28231 Theft from sheds

Sometime between 2 AM and 3:30 AM on August 14th, four sheds located on the grounds of the Royal Canadian Legion at 129 Harewood Road were broken into. Video surveillance captured two men, faces obscured, entering the property, breaking the lock to the surrounding fence, then breaking the locks off the sheds. Stolen was a Travel Q Portable Gas Grill BBQ that was still in the box and never used. Pictures were obtained but they were grainy and not very useful. The first suspect was described being in his late 30’s, wearing a light-coloured shirt and dark pants. The second suspect had on a dark jacket and of note, walked with a noticeable limp.

Nanaimo file 2023-27609 Extortion

Recently a young adult man sent sexually explicit photos to a user on Snap Chat and was now being told to send cash or otherwise the pictures would be distributed to his friends. The victim took screen shots of the text, blocked the suspect, then called the police. The man was advised him to contact Instagram and Snap Chat and cautioned about sending sexual pictures of any kind across social medial platforms. Tip: Never,ever send sexually explicit pictures across social media platforms.

Nanaimo file # 2023-8259 Break and enter to sports field

A quick response by witness and police to a theft of bottles lead to a violent offender being arrested for breach of probation. At approximately 7 :30 AM on August 15th, a witness saw two men cutting through the fence surrounding the McGirr Sports field, then loading up a shopping cart with empties that were earmarked for the recycling depot. Police responded and located the two suspects. One was released without charge while the other, a 44-year-old man was arrested. This individual, who is well known to police and has a history of violence, was held in custody to appear in Nanaimo Provincial Court for Breach of Probation. Tip: while it appeared to be a minor offence, prolific offenders and others entrenched in the criminal life style are often apprehended this way.

Nanaimo file # 2023-28256 Check well-being

Just after 6 AM on August 15th, downtown security came upon a woman on Victoria Road who appeared to be in medical distress. Police attended and managed to wake the woman, and initiated a limited conversation with her. The woman was apologetic and said that she would pack up her belongings and move along Tip: Local security officers are on the front line  nd every day, play a key role in the safety and well-being of our marginalized population. 

Released by:

Cst. Gary O'Brien
Media Relations Officer
Nanaimo RCMP
303 Prideaux St, Nanaimo, BC V9R 2N3
Office: 250-755-4460 Ext. 4533
Cell: 250-713-0701
Fax: 250-755-3238

Email: gary.obrien@rcmp-grc.gc.ca
Website: nanaimo.rcmp-grc.gc.ca

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